All of us have heard about vitamins. Vitamins are crucial micronutrients that are vital for many important bodily functions. This means that they are not produced by our bodies obviously, however, are required for the healthy functioning of the human body. As such, foods rich in vitamins and supplements containing a huge concentration of vitamins are completely necessary.

Vitamins come in various forms. While vitamins A, B, C. D, etc are well-known, there Are certain forms of vitamins that many men and women aren’t conscious of. Out of these is Vitamin K. We can’t blame people for not knowing about this vitamin as the existence of this macronutrient is not too important in diet from specific areas of the world.

However, vitamin K has been known for its numerous health benefits. This health gains have been scientifically established after extensive research with this particular macronutrient.

Vitamin K was discovered in the late 1920s as a vital nutrient for the coagulation of blood. The origins of the research and the reason for it being called vitamin K could be said from this scientific paper.

The One Supplement You Need to Be Taking: Vitamin K2 | Food ...

Tests on particular diets showed that a high concentration of some certain essential macronutrient which was connected to the security of the teeth and chronic diseases. This nutritional supplement was later demonstrated to be vitamin K2.

Vitamin K2 is widely found in animal-based foods and foods which have experienced Some amount of fermentation.

Extensive studies categorized vitamin K2 (menaquinone) along with vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) as types of vitamin K. It’s worth noting that while vitamin K2 is most prominently seen in animal-based fats, vitamin K1 is found in plant-based foods. Vitamin K2 itself is split into two kinds of its own: MK-4 and MK-7.

From the two types of vitamin K, K2 is noted to be more potent and valuable. Research has proven that vitamin K2 results in the good health of the heart and bones whereas vitamin K1 doesn’t. There are numerous studies that have established the nutritional superiority of vitamin K2 over vitamin K1. Hence, this article will primarily take care of the health benefits and ingestion of vitamin K2.  Research on vitamin K2 revealed several significant health benefits associated with its consumption. This article gives thorough coverage of all the significant scientific research that has generated vitamin K2 as one of the most important essential nutrients to be included in one’s diet.

Health Benefits of Vitamin K2

Metabolism of calcium

Vitamin K centers the tripping of several proteins which aid in important Functionalities such as the metabolism of calcium in the body. Various studies have shown that it modulates the deposition of calcium in various locations. For instance, it boosts the generation of calcium deposits from the bone. Additionally, it prevents these deposits from forming in the blood vessels and urinary tract.

Research has demonstrated that vitamin K2 (MK-4) is the kind of vitamin K that is responsible for the prevention of the formation of calcium deposits in the blood vessels and blood vessels.

Promotes good cardiovascular wellness

We have only spoken regarding the deposition of calcium within the arteries and Blood vessels. This very process of calcium deposits blocking out the passages of the arteries may lead to severe heart issues. Studies have suggested that vitamin K2 effectively prevents the deposition of calcium in your arteries. This considerably lowers the risk of heart disease and other related problems.

Long-term research has firmly established that people with a high intake of vitamin K2 were less inclined to develop calcium deposits within their arteries and run the chance of heart disease by over 50%. This analysis spammed a whole decade. Another study on many women once more revealed that the regular consumption of vitamin K2 appreciably decreased the chance of heart disease in these women. Unsurprisingly, studies have proven that vitamin K1 had no impact on cardiovascular health.

Promotes good health of the musculoskeletal system

Osteoporosis is a condition that Contributes to the porosity of these bones, making them shed Their strength and increasing their exposure to injuries. Since it has been stated, vitamin K2 aids in the formation of calcium deposits from the bulk of the bones. Therefore, there is a healthy development and maintenance of bones. Obviously, the same is true for the teeth as well. A study conducted for 3 years revealed that the intake of vitamin K2 supplements assists in protecting the bones against diminishing bone density which happens with age. Some Japanese studies have established the usage of vitamin K2 supplements for the prevention and therapy of osteoporosis.

Aids in maintaining the teeth

Going by the extensive scientific evidence behind the functionality of vitamin K2 In the metabolism of calcium, it is pretty logical to presume that the consumption of vitamin K2 promotes good dental care too. Studies have demonstrated that vitamin K2 activates the performance of this protein osteocalcin. By doing this, studies have proven there is a calcified growth in the enamel. Therefore, your teeth have been fortified. Furthermore, vitamin K2 helps in maintaining the teeth’s strength.

Sources of Vitamin K2

It’s quite evident that you need vitamin K2 and not K1. Vitamin K2 is an animal-based macronutrient and is produced from the large intestine by good bacteria (gut). Furthermore, it’s a fat-soluble vitamin. Therefore, you can expect fatty food products to contain more of it. Foods that contain a fantastic concentration of vitamin K2 include beef, fatty or, egg yolk, high-fat milk products and organ meats such as liver and kidney. A non-vegetarian food diet is more than sufficient to provide your body the vitamin K2 it requires.


With vitamin K2 being the favored choice of vitamin K, It’s almost compulsory to Have a wholesome supply of this nutrient into your entire body. Vitamin K1 helps in blood Coagulation but the K2 variant is associated with a larger range of health benefits as We have seen.

For those who consume meat, eating foods Full of vitamin K2 is more than enough To receive your necessary nourishment of vitamin K. For vegetarians and vegans, vitamin K2 Supplements are sufficient. It is pretty evident from the set of health benefits that you should absolutely start Taking vitamin K2 more often. It leads towards overall good health and creates You fitter and happier.